Tuesday, January 7, 2020

January 7, 2020

* Collect Donated Classroom Supplies *
Golden Ticket Reward

Collect Parent Signature Forms *
Due by Tomorrow for a grade.
You will have to call home if the form is not here.

* Collect Folder * 
First & Last Name at the top - written with a Sharpie

* Classroom Passes *
Write your First and Last name in INK on all 3 passes! 
Do NOT lose them. Keep in your folder.

* Distribute Packets *
Write your first and last name, block, and Skyward Teacher on EVERY packet!

* Chromebooks *
Chromebook Procedures 

* Pre-Test *
1)Log in to Skyward.
2)Take the Pre-Test assigned.
Remember: This does NOT count towards your grade. It will be marked as 'no count' once everyone is finished taking the pre-test.
3) When finished with your Pre-Test, log out and raise your hand.

* Pre-Writing Assessment *
4) Follow the directions on the prompt and do your best.
5)When finished with your Pre-Writing Assessment, raise your hand and we will collect your writing assessment.

* Library Book Check Out *
6) You may quickly visit the library to check-out a new book or update a book. A teacher will be monitoring the Library. 
(Everyone must have a book by tomorrow.)
7) Return to Class and Read on Your Own

* Cool-Down *
 - What needs to be here by TOMORROW?
 - What will YOU have to do if you do not have your signature form here by tomorrow?
 - Pick-up space and push in chairs. 

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