Friday, January 24, 2020

January 24, 2020

Vocabulary Unit 1 Test *
Chrombooks > Skyward
Read when finished - Free Library (3 at a time)

Grammar *
PRACTICE: pg. 18-19

* Literature *
Non-Fiction Unit - Selection #3 - "The Controversy Behind Banning High School Dances"
Intro Video
Read, Chunk & Cube,  p. 6-8
Medium - Web news article
Source - / March 7, 2016 / Grace Chen
Chunk & Cube with your table. Follow the procedure as taught with the previous two selections.

Cool-Down *
1) Don't forget to list three things we covered today!
2) I can...
3) For your final activity, write a sentence stating your thoughts about the possible ban of high school dances at our school - use an adjective correctly and circle it.

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