Tuesday, November 12, 2019

November 13, 2019

Turn In Invisible Extra Credit!!!
Warm-Up *
Wishful Wednesday
Page 8 / Week 13 - November 11, 2019 to November 15, 2019
What are you reading this week?
Monday - Veteran's Day
Tuesday - Snow Day
Wishful Wednesday: Write 1 sentence wishing something for a character or situation in your book which will affect the outcome

Vocabulary *
(extra time today)
Unit 6: Sentences, p. 11
Unit 6: Illustrations, p. 12
- Packets due TOMORROW -
- Test on Friday -
If you are finished with packets, turn them in and complete assigned Grammar worksheets. You cannot join your group until you have it done!!!
If grammar is done, have it out as proof and free read.

* Grammar *
Workday - Cannot join group unless you prove you are done with the "majority" of the assigned worksheets.
Groups 1-5 Checked by Tomorrow
Groups 6-9 Checked by Friday
- Presentations start Monday -
Group 1 -11/18
Group 2 - 11/19
Group 3 - 11/20
Group 4 - 11/21
Group 5 - 11/22
Group 6 - 11/25
Group 7 - 11/26
Group 8 - 11/27
Group 9 - 12/2
Test & Packets Due - 12/3

* Literature *
Who is Shakespeare?

Romeo & Juliet
Act I
Read -  p. 771-791
Plot Elements - p. 4
Shakespeare Vocabulary - p. 5
Guided Reading Questions - p. 6-15
Packet Section Due & Quiz at end of each Act
(cannot use packet on the quiz)

* Cool Down *
Don't forget to list three things we covered today!

For your final activity, read the following information. Write the complete answer.

Examine the underlined portion of the sentence below. Which choice best fits the context of the sentence?

The whether today is much better than yesterday.

                     A) NO CHANGE
                     B) wither
                     C) weather
                     D) when

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