Wednesday, September 5, 2018

September 5, 2018

Day 15
Today we will write synonyms and antonyms for unit 2 vocabulary, discuss prepositions, and continue with non-fiction selection #4.

Warm Up *
Wordy Wednesday
Page 6 / Week 4 - September 4, 2018 to September 7, 2018
What are you reading this week?
Wordy Wednesday - Summarize what you read today in one word and explain your word in complete sentences.

* Vocabulary *
Unit 2: Synonyms & Antonyms, p.9

* Grammar *
SchoolHouse Rock
NOTES: p. 4
PRACTICE: wks 20-21

* Literature *
Non-Fiction Unit - Selection #4 - Captain Phillips Movie
p. 9-10
Medium - Film
Source - Columbia Films, 2013
“Chunk” at the end of the period
This last selection will be entirely up to the students - no help from teachers or peers
**Entire Packet due Friday**

* Cool Down *
Don't forget to list three things we covered today!

For your final activity, write the following sentence. Circle the preposition and underline the entire prepositional phrase.
The dog hid under the blanket.

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