Tuesday, February 12, 2019

February 12, 2019

Day 26
Warm-Up *
Talk About It Tuesday
Page 11 / Week 6 - February 11, 2019 to February 15, 2019
What are you reading this week?
Mark-out Friday - "P/T Conf."
Talk About It Tuesday: In a complete sentence, describe in detail one specific event from your reading.

Vocabulary *
Unit 3: Synonyms & Antonyms, pg. 16

Grammar *
Reference Sheet #1, pg. 5
Subject Complements
Notes - #6 - pg. 2
Wks. - 16 & 17

Literature *
(for the week)

Story Elements: p. 1-3: Notes #4
Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action
Dark Knight Rises - establish conflict
Rising Action
Falling Action

Story Elements: p. 1-3: Notes #5
Resolution, Ending

Story Elements: p. 1-3: Notes #6
Style, Tone, Mood
Partly Cloudy

“Interlopers” - p 304-307
History Channel Mini-Series 
Trail Image  & Trail Map
Audio & Story Image
Packet - p. 6-8

* Cool Down *
Don't forget to list three things we covered today!

For your final activity, read the following information. Write a complete answer.

Examine the underlined portion of the sentence below. Choose the answer that creates a parallel sentence structure.
Rwandan conservationist, Edwin Sabuhoro, is taking a new approach to wildlife poaching prevention: luring poachers away from crime by trained them to become farmers.
                  A) NO CHANGE
                  B) train
                  C) trains
                  D) training

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