Tuesday, December 10, 2019

December 10, 2019

Hashtag Tuesday
Page 15 / Week 17 - December 9, 2019 to December 13, 2019
What are you reading this week?
Hashtag Tuesday: #one-two word summary

* Vocabulary *
Packets Due Thursday - 3 Journals
Test Friday
3rd Block: - Journal #3, p. 28
Packets Due Thursday / Test Friday
All vocabulary entries need to have the following:
3 Complete Sentences
2 Circled Vocabulary Words
...and don't forget to write out the date at the top:
December 10, 2019
4th Block - Unit 8: Sentences, p. 25

* Grammar *
General Writing Instruction
Model Paragraph & Formatting
Google Classroom
Block 3 -uoki65
Block 4 - vikdm3n
Final Writing Assignment - Part of your Final Exam
1) Plan Sheet - when plan sheet is approved, get a Chromebook
2) Google Classroom
Final Draft Due Wednesday, December 18th

* Literature *
Video - Act IV & V
Romeo & Juliet
Romeo & Juliet: SparkNotes
Romeo & Juliet: myShakespeare

Read -  Act IV & V - p.845-874
Packet due at end of each Act - p.5, 12-15
Quiz at end of each Act (cannot use packet)

* Cool Down *
Don't forget to list three things we covered today!

For your final activity, write a complete sentence stating your favorite activity you have done in Composition I.

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