Tuesday, January 29, 2019

January 29, 2019

Day 16
Warm-Up *
Talk About It Tuesday
Page 7 / Week 4 - January 28, 2019 to February 1, 2019
What are you reading this week?
Talk About It Tuesday: In a complete sentence, describe in detail one specific event from your reading.

Vocabulary *
Unit 2: Synonyms & Antonyms, pg. 9

Grammar *
SchoolHouse Rock
NOTES: p. 4
PRACTICE: wks 22-23
Packets due tomorrow!
Test on Friday

Literature *
Non-Fiction Unit - Selection #4 - Captain Phillips Movie
p. 9-10
Medium - Film
Source - Columbia Films, 2013
“Chunk” at the end of the period
This last selection will be entirely up to the students - no help from teachers or peers
**Entire Packet due Monday**

* Cool Down *
Don't forget to list three things we covered today!

For your final activity, write the following sentence. Circle the TWO conjunctions
The boy and the girl ran across the road; however, they forgot to look for cars.

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