Friday, December 21, 2018

December 21, 2018

Day 86
*Packet Collection*
1 - Vocab: Units 5-8
2 - Grammar: Usage in Sentences
3 - Grammar: Elements of a Sentence
4 - Grammar: General Writing Instruction
5 - Literature: Invisible
6 - Literature: Romeo & Juliet

* Collect Unused Passes & Golden Tickets *
Label Each:
1) First & Last Name
2) G = Grammar or L = Literature

* Final Exam *
When you are finished, you need to stay at your seat and do one of the following QUIETLY:
-study for another final (if you have one)
-play games on the computer (turn sound off)
 read independently


Enjoy your Winter Break!!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

December 20, 2018

Day 84
1) Complete & Submit Final Writing Assignment
- Complete final checklist (p.3)
- Submit "Turn In" by end of class

2) Review for Comp & Lit Final Exam
Use study guide to highlight information in packets.
Study your packets, not the study guide.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

December 19, 2018

Day 84
* Review for Final* - 20 minutes
Use study guide to highlight information in packets.
Study your packets, not the study guide.

* Grammar * - 60 minutes
Final Writing Assignment
Self Revision - Wednesday
1) Review & Complete final checklist (p.3)
2) Review Rubric (last page)
3) Write name on Rubric and turn-in
4) Independetly work on your final revisions & checklist
5) When ALL is complete "Turn-In" / Submit your Paragraph via Google Classroom
Final Draft Due Tomorrow

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

December 18, 2018

Day 83
* Review for Final* - 20 minutes
Use study guide to highlight information in packets.
Study your packets, not the study guide.

* Grammar * - 60 minutes
Final Writing Assignment
Peer Edit - Tuesday
1) Turn to "Peer-Edit Rubric" in packet
2) Write your first and last name for "Original Author"
3) Read directions at bottom of the page
4) Find an appropriate, well-matched peer-editor
5) Exchange packets & Sit together
6) Peer-Editor writes his/her first and last name in top right
7) Share your document with peer-editor as "Can Comment"
8) Complete Rubric as peer-editor and make comments on the paragraph
9) Return Rubrics and Discuss with peer-editor
10) Return to your seat to complete final revisions & final checklist (p.3)
Self Revision - Wednesday
Final Draft - Thursday, Dec. 20th

Monday, December 17, 2018

December 17, 2018

Day 82
* Warm Up *
p. 19 / Week 19 - December 17, 2018 - December 21, 2018
What are you reading this week?
Tell us about your experience in Comp & Lit I.
What did you like the most and what did you like the least? Use complete sentences!
Turn your packet into the bin.

* Literature *
R&J Act IV & V Quiz

* Review for Final *

* Grammar *
Final Writing Assignment
1st Draft - Monday
Peer Edit - Tuesday
Self Revision - Wednesday
Final Draft - Thursday, Dec. 20th

Friday, December 14, 2018

December 14, 2018

Day 81
* Vocabulary *
Unit 8 Test
When finished with Vocab test, work on Final Writing Assignment

* Grammar *
Final Writing Assignment - Work time
1st Draft - Monday
Peer Edit - Tuesday
Self Revision - Wednesday
Final Draft - Thursday, Dec. 20th

* Literature *
Romeo & Juliet
Romeo & Juliet: SparkNotes
Romeo & Juliet: myShakespeare

Finish Act IV & V
Finish Plot Chart - p. 4
Finish Vocab - p. 6

Act IV & V Quiz - Monday
(cannot use packet)

* Cool Down *
Don't forget to list three things we covered today!

For your final activity, write a sentence summarizing what Romeo & Juliet is about.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

December 13, 2018

Day 80
* Warm Up *
Write "Star 360"

* Vocabulary *
STAR 360 - Pop-Up Code: ADMIN

When testing is complete:
* Grammar *
Raise your hand for your Final Writing Assignment
Begin working in Google Classroom
Final Draft Due Thursday, Dec. 20th
Google Classroom
Block 3 - uoki65
Block 4 - vikdm3n

* Literature *
Romeo & Juliet
Romeo & Juliet: SparkNotes
Romeo & Juliet: myShakespeare

Read -  Act IV & V
Packet due at end of each Act - p.5, 12-15
Quiz at end of each Act (cannot use packet)

* Cool Down *
Don't forget to list three things we covered today!

For your final activity, read the following information. Write the complete answer.

Examine the underlined portion of the sentence below. Choose the answer that is consistent with the verb tense and agrees with the subject.

The Whitney Footbridge in Minneapolis features an engraving of a John Ashberry poem; pedestrians can read the poem as they walk.

                     A) NO CHANGE
                     B) was featuring
                     C) was featured by
                     D) would be featuring

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

December 12, 2018

Day 79
* Warm Up *
Wishful Wednesday
p. 17 / Week 18 - December 10, 2018 - December 14, 2018
What are you reading this week?
Wishful Wednesday: Write 1 sentence wishing something for a character or situation in your book which will affect the outcome

* Vocabulary *
Unit 8: Review
Finish & Turn-In Packet
Quizlet or Wordlist
(Test on Friday)

* Grammar *
General Writing Instruction "Test", p. 14-16
(Packet, p.1-16 due Today)
-Collect Packets-

* Literature *
Romeo & Juliet
Romeo & Juliet: SparkNotes
Romeo & Juliet: myShakespeare

Read -  Act IV & V
Packet due at end of each Act - p.5, 12-15
Quiz at end of each Act (cannot use packet)

* Cool Down *
Don't forget to list three things we covered today!

For your final activity, read the following information. Write the complete answer.

Examine the underlined portion of the sentence below. Choose the answer that is consistent with the verb tense and agrees with the subject.

Despite being raised in a time and place in which black students were not allowed to attend high school, Percy Julian went on to become a PhD and a successful chemist. His most famous invention were Aero-Foam, a soy protein fire extinguisher used in World War II.

                     A) NO CHANGE
                     B) was by
                     C) was
                     D) would be

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

December 11, 2018

Day 78
* Warm Up *
Hashtag Tuesday
p. 17 / Week 18 - December 10, 2018 - December 14, 2018
What are you reading this week?
Hashtag Tuesday: #one-two word summary

* Vocabulary *
Unit 8: Illustrations, p. 26
Packets, p.22-27 (1 journal entry) due Tomorrow
Test on Friday

When finished with Vocabulary, begin working on Grammar packet, p. 14-16

* Grammar *
General Writing Instruction "Test", p. 14-16
Packet, p.1-16, due Tomorrow

* Literature *
Romeo & Juliet
Romeo & Juliet: SparkNotes
Romeo & Juliet: myShakespeare

Read -  Act IV & V
Packet due at end of each Act - p.5, 12-15
Quiz at end of each Act (cannot use packet)

* Cool Down *
Don't forget to list three things we covered today!

For your final activity, read the following information. Write the complete answer.

Examine the underlined portion of the sentence below. Choose the answer that is consistent with the verb tense and agrees with the subject.

Ellen Degeneres, who had her first major debut in 1986, recently was launching a new lifestyle brand.

                     A) NO CHANGE
                     B) launched
                     C) was launched by
                     D) is launching

Monday, December 10, 2018

December 10, 2018

Day 77
* Warm Up *
Memoir Monday
p. 17 / Week 18 - December 10, 2018 - December 14, 2018
What are you reading this week?
Six-Word Memoir Monday: 6-word summary sentence of reading: Example

* Vocabulary *
Unit 8: Sentences, p. 25
(Packets can be turned in when finished)
Free Read when finished

* Grammar *
General Writing Instruction, p. 12-13
Model Paragraph
MLA: Works Cited & In-Text Citation

Google Classroom
Block 3 - uoki65
Block 4 - vikdm3n

* Literature *
Romeo & Juliet
Romeo & Juliet: SparkNotes
Romeo & Juliet: myShakespeare

Read -  Act IV & V
Packet due at end of each Act - p.5, 12-15
Quiz at end of each Act (cannot use packet)

* Cool Down *
Don't forget to list three things we covered today!

For your final activity, read the following information. Write the complete answer.

Examine the underlined portion of the sentence below. Choose the best answer that results in a grammatically complete and standard sentence.

A supermoon is so named because it appears larger and brighter than usual. It happens at the closest point to Earth on the moon's orbit. Also known as the perigee.

                     A) NO CHANGE
                     B) orbit also
                     C) orbit; also
                     D) orbit, also

Friday, December 7, 2018

December 7, 2018

Day 76

* Literature *
Act III Quiz

* Vocabulary *
Unit 8: Semantic Drawings, p. 25
(Packets can be turned in when finished)
Free Read when finished

* Grammar *
General Writing Instruction
Ex. 10-12, pgs. 10-11

* Literature *
Romeo & Juliet
Act IV & V Video

* Cool Down *
Don't forget to list three things we covered today!

For your final activity, read the following information. Write the complete answer.

Examine the underlined portion of the sentence below. Choose the best answer that results in a grammatically complete and standard sentence.

The dean of the Art Institute of Chicago denied admission to Kyle because he couldn't name the three primary colors. Blue, red, and yellow.

                     A) NO CHANGE
                     B) colors, blue,
                     C) colors: which are blue,
                     D) colors: blue,

Thursday, December 6, 2018

December 6, 2018

Day 75
* Warm Up *
Tapestry Thursday
p. 15 / Week 17 - December 3, 2018 - December 7, 2018
What are you reading this week?
Tapestry Thursday: Use your space to draw a picture depicting what we read today

* Vocabulary *
Unit 8: Journal #1, p. 27
All vocabulary entries need to have the following:
3 Complete Sentences
2 Circled Vocabulary Words
...and don't forget to write out the date at the top:
December 6, 2018

* Grammar *
General Writing Instruction
Ex. 5-9, pgs. 7-9

* Literature *
Romeo & Juliet
Romeo & Juliet: SparkNotes
Romeo & Juliet: myShakespeare

Read -  Act III
Packet due at end of each Act - p.5, 10-11
Quiz at end of each Act (cannot use packet)

* Cool Down *
Don't forget to list three things we covered today!

For your final activity, read the following information. Write the complete answer.

Examine the underlined portion of the sentence below. Choose the best answer that results in a grammatically complete and standard sentence.

Hindus routinely bathe in India's sacred Ganges river. Also home to the Ganges shark.

                     A) NO CHANGE
                     B) river; also
                     C) river, also
                     D) river and this river is also

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

December 5, 2018

Day 74
* Warm Up *
Wishful Wednesday
p. 15 / Week 17 - December 3, 2018 - December 7, 2018
What are you reading this week?
Wishful Wednesday: Write 1 sentence wishing something for a character or situation in your book which will affect the outcome

* Vocabulary *
Unit 8: Synonyms & Antonyms, p. 23

* Grammar *
General Writing Instruction
Ex. 1-4

* Literature *
Romeo & Juliet
Romeo & Juliet: SparkNotes
Romeo & Juliet: myShakespeare

Read -  Act III
Packet due at end of each Act - p.5, 10-11
Quiz at end of each Act (cannot use packet)

* Cool Down *
Don't forget to list three things we covered today!

For your final activity, read the following information. Write the complete answer.

Examine the underlined portion of the sentence below. Choose the best answer that results in a grammatically complete and standard sentence.

In order to retrieve and study the bones of the early hominids. The paleoanthropologist hired a team of women who were thin enough to fit through the cave's extremely narrow chute.

                     A) NO CHANGE
                     B) hominids, the
                     C) hominids; the
                     D) hominids the

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

December 4, 2018

Day 73

* Warm Up *
Hashtag Tuesday
p. 15 / Week 17 - December 3, 2018 - December 7, 2018
What are you reading this week?
Hashtag Tuesday: #one-two word summary

* Vocabulary *
Unit 8: Definitions, p. 22

* Grammar *
General Writing Instruction
Slides 1-9

* Literature *
Romeo & Juliet
Romeo & Juliet: SparkNotes
Romeo & Juliet: myShakespeare

Video - Act III
Read -  Act III
Packet due at end of each Act - p.5, 10-11
Quiz at end of each Act (cannot use packet)

* Cool Down *
Don't forget to list three things we covered today!

For your final activity, read the following information. Write the complete answer.

Examine the underlined portion of the sentence below. Choose the best answer that results in a grammatically complete and standard sentence.

Crows and ravens are both large, black birds, they can be distinguished by the difference in their voices. The American Crow makes a "caw, caw, caw" sound, whereas the Common Raven articulates deep, croaking vocals.

                     A) NO CHANGE
                     B) birds. Distinguished
                     C) birds they can be distinguished by
                     D) birds. They can be distinguished by